Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Joshua Tree #5

This year marked the fifth annual Joshua Tree trip. Some of the people were the same as in years past with also some new ones. Can you tell what was different about the group this year compared to previous years?

As always, I don't set up tents. Erin and Katie managed to get the "beast" up by the time dinner was ready.

I forgot a few essentials this year so I had to improvise. The only question is, what use would tin foil have with a wooden spoon?

It actually worked pretty well except for the spoon was half ash by the time dinner was done.

Natalie was passed around quite a bit, but always would cry her way back to mom.

We were supposed to save some dinner for the second wave of the group. We couldn't hold back. Montreal Steak seasoning was just too good to resist.

I have tried horse shoes in the past, but this year we played ALL the time with rules that Ryan "made".

Tummy Time

A kangaroo mouse FREAKED out Katie. She was jumping from rock to rock like trying to avoid a tremor (Graboid for you enthusiasts).

I will probably get in trouble for this one :)
(Photo was deleted due to Kevin's a nerd)

Chelsea following after the example of her husband, Nathan, and coming to a camping trip with rolling luggage. She wouldn't roll it in the dirt though.

Our first camping expereince.

My bad. I told him I couldn't throw, but Ryan still wanted to play.

Natalie could never seem to get enough to munch on.

A Joshua Tree first and LAST.

There is something upside down in the picture. Do you see it?

The Loera's leaving a little before eveyone else. They have the "baby excuse"

All in all it was a good trip. Not as much climbing and hiking as in the past, but a very good time with all the friends that showed up.


karin said...

You could have wrapped the foil around the top of the spoon so your spoon wasn't ash. And I think 3 more kids would have been fun for all you marrieds with no kids. Next year?

Stacie S-H said...

looks like a baby is upside down in that one pic..
neways! looks like a great time!

AudBall said...

I didn't know the horseshoe rules were made up! ha ha ha.