Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Little Stud

Last week, I was working my second of three in a row, and Little Stud develops a pretty bad cough. I was looking forward to almost an entire week off from work, but instead I spent the next several nights pulling night shifts while letting mom try to get some sleep during the night.  He was, and still is a little hoarse, but sounds cuter than ever with his muted cry.

Little stud got well enough to participate as the ring bearer in Erin's friend's wedding.

"What are you lookin at?"
"Don't even think 'bout touchin' my pacifier"

Little Stud + Papi

"Have you seen my teeth" AKA his new face he makes all the time

1 comment:

Erika said...

Sawyer is soo cute! He totally looks like he lost his dentures. lol! Kevin, you should win husband of the year for working double duty at home and work, and for writing on your blog! I can barely get my husband to write on ours. Is Erin bribing you with sexual favors? :) Maybe that's my problem. lol!

WE have a blog too! It's drewanderika@blogspot.com

Love you guys!!!!!!!!!