Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's that time of year again

Kevin had the day off yesterday so we went to Target and registered. It was a lot of fun, mostly
because I enjoyed a large diet coke while we did it.

I'm barely showing, right?? No, this is immodest me registering just one precious year ago for our wedding. Registering for a wedding is so much easier than registering for a baby. When you're registering for your wedding you just register for cute stuff you want...and a brita, not things that are crucial for an infants survival. Plus I want everything to semi match. A farm bouncy with a blue pack n play? No thank you.

Then when we got home:
K: Can I watch my show?
Me: I don't know why you record this trash (Rookie Blues). And no.
K: Why not?
Me: Because I'm watching Teen Mom.


karin said...

I am seriously laughing out loud.

There is something about being in Target and having a nice cold diet coke.

Stacie S-H said...

ah ha was fun registering for our wedding when Tony was here in AZ at the end of July even tho our scanner died three times! and as for Teen Mom..i cough i ah um watch that show