Sunday, June 6, 2010

Frogs and snails and puppy dogs' tails...

We're having a boy! They say that boys take up all your energy when you're pregnant, I believe it. At the end of the night, aka 8pm, I'm out.

Check out this racy photo.

Closeup of his face. He obviously looks like his dad.

That's all from lala land. Kevin's been wonderful. What a funny, handsome, loving husband he is.

-Kevin (juuust kidding. Maybe)


karin said...

Congratulattions! Welcome to the boy club, it is a great club to be a par of.

Katie said...

Yay Congrats guys! it's like God's trying to get an army down here- it's the year of the BOYS!

JR and Summer said...

Congrats! I bet Kevin is excited for a boy! Erin you'll just have to try again for a girl that you can take shopping with you ;)

Anonymous said...

He kind of does look like Kevin already! ;)