Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Diet Coke Challenge '09

So Kevin was trying to convince me that diet coke from a can tastes that same as diet coke from a fountain. That's right, and this guy is going to be a nurse. You could fill up a swimming pool with canned diet coke and I wouldn't even be tempted to drink my way to the bottom. We decided to have a diet coke challenge to see if I could taste the difference between the two. We went to Del Taco and got a DC from the fountain and an empty Del Taco cup with ice. All that was missing was a poster board with a problem, hypothesis, procedure, result, conclusion, and a green participation ribbon.

The constants.

Designated pourer.

My eyes were really closed.

Action shot.

In the end I was victorious. Diet coke from a can tastes totally flat. My reward: A small diet coke from Del Taco.

1 comment:

karin said...

Kevin, I can't believe that you actually thought she couldn't taste the differnce. It tastes totally different. But I really want a real diet coke right now (okay well, in the morning), coke light is okay it just doesn't taste the same.