Saturday, May 30, 2009

Photos: A little different

This last holiday weekend for Memorial day, we spent the afternoon at my uncle's house and did some swimming. We had the idea to try and take some underwater shots for engagement pictures hoping that some would turn out. Mom went ahead and brought her scuba gear so Brian could just hang out with the camera at the bottom of the pool.
It took a while for Erin to get her human fins back, but she got the swing of it and she really liked her new "family appropriate" swim suit with its frills.

If you think trying to figure out poses above water is difficult, try making a pose underwater.

This is me trying out for underwater Cirque de Soleil. I am waiting for a call back.

Here is one of our better shots, but still didn't make the cut for the announcement. Stay tuned for more previews.


Cori Shaw, MS, RD said...

i love kevin's pose, so graceful.
that last picture of you two is so neat!

darlenebergeson said...

This is the coooolest idea EVER! i love it. and Erin's adorable swim suit!

Heather said...

You guys are too cute! Erin even though I don't see you guys often I am super glad your joining the SB clan..