Saturday, April 25, 2009

Catch Up: San Diego Spring Break - Kevin

My Spring break was consumed working most of the time and spending one day in Los Angeles picking out Erin's engagement ring. Luckily, our friends had planned a weekend for us to go down and spend the weekend at their place in San Diego. Juan and Audrey and Erin and myself, all meet up in the morning on a Friday. After a few stops along the way we eventually got down to Nathan's apartment in La Jolla. We spent Friday night bbq'in some carne asada and then hit up the spa after. Katie and Ryan also joined us for the fun. At some point, I some how ended up trading shorts with Erin. More pictures may come later...

Saturday morning we kind of let slip away from us. We were up and eating breakfast by around 10 or so. Audrey made some amazing crepes and of course we discovered that peanut butter and bananas was a hit for a breakfast treat. We would need all the sugar we could for the day that was about to be ahead of us.
First it was off to check out La Jolla Cove. We soon discovered that parking is terrible and we went on to our next destination of Balboa Park. We found lots to do there and just walked around a little in the mid afternoon sun.

Erin always finds a way to make me laugh. Though sometimes she just tickles.

Piggybacks. One of our favorites.

The "marrieds" and The "pregos" leading the way.

We ended up in Old Town San Diego for dinner. Across the street was the Whaley House. Supposedly it is haunted as it appeared on one of Erin's favorite shows, Ghost Hunters.

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