Sunday, December 23, 2012


Sawyer just had his 2 year check up so I thought I'd update this dusty old blog. Can I just say that 2 has been my favorite age so far? Am I crazy? Sure the tantrums are out of this world, like he embarrasses me at target pretty much every time we go. If I tell him not to touch the dishwasher (for the 100th time) he'll drop instantly and scream for 20 minutes without breathing once. But he's also so fun! He runs and talks, he has favorite movies and favorite parts of favorite movies. Like when the guards are chasing Flynn Rider on their horses (again!). He repeats everything we say, he recognizes emotion. Like if mama's crying well then he's going to cry too. I have a newborn, there's quite a bit of crying. Ok so to sum up; 2 is hard but awesome. Here are some stats.

Height: 35inches-so close to big rides at Disneyland!
Weight: 31lbs-actually down 4 pounds from his 18 month appointment. Failure to thrive.
Head: Big

He's saying about 40 words regularly. Some of my absolute favorites: Tooooooow=toe. Foooooot. Geeja=Jesus. Ahhhmimi!=Amen, he even throws in praise hands. Pay=pray. Feeeesh=fish. Ahmamama=mama. Dayee=daddy. And my personal favorite: Eyeoooh=I love you.

Favorites: Grandma and Grandpa (always, above everything else). Toy Story. Baby brother. He dotes on him like no other, and if brother is crying Sawyer will hug and dance for him, and August is finally starting to realize he's there. Anything with a screen.

When he's in a crowd of kids or off playing I'll see him search for mama's face and lights up when he finds it. Oh how I love this little guy. There's no way anyone is still reading this. Pictures!

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